On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 9:30 PM, Sebastian Nowicki <sebnow@gmail.com> wrote:
On 24/02/2009, at 6:10 AM, Bryan Ischo wrote:
It's not the ability to modify a single file in two different places at once. It's the ability to keep changes logically separated by directory, in a persistent manner that doesn't require git commands to put changes away and bring them back, that I care about. I find it infinitely easier to keep track of what I am doing by persistently retaining directory contents than by having a single working view and everything else being stashed away to be retrieved later.
I apologise if I'm missing something, but what's the difference between "cd ../branch" and "git checkout branch"? The state of your "working directory" is changed. You still have only one view of the directory. You can obviously view files in the other directory, but that's also possible with git, albeit somewhat harder if using a file manager. There are many GUI front-ends that allow you to quickly look at other branches and commits. What's the between "ls project-root" and "git branch"? Both list the "branches", both allow you to switch to that branch (cd, git checkout). I really don't see the difference, besides a clean project directory, in git's case.
I'll add another tip here- there is nothing inherently wrong with having multiple workign directories if you really want them. git clone is a cheap operation, and will give you exactly what you want. I have 'pacman' and 'pacman-maint' directories, where the pacman-maint one is simply a clone of pacman so I can easily do things on the maint branch without messing with my WIP on the current master branch. I then simply push the maint ref back into the master local repo as necessary. -Dan