Hi On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Anatol Pomozov <anatol.pomozov@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 11:33 AM, William Giokas <1007380@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 11:29:32AM -0700, Anatol Pomozov wrote:
On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Lukas Fleischer <archlinux@cryptocrack.de> wrote:
On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 11:12:05AM -0700, Anatol Pomozov wrote:
I believe in automatization. Any routine work that can be done automatically should be done this way.
One such thing that can be improved in Arch project is discovering out-of-date packages. Currently it is done by users who go to https://www.archlinux.org/packages/ find the package and then click "Flag Package Out-of-Date" link. Why to bother users? Why not to let some bot to visit websites and check for new versions?
There are examples of package managers that have such functionality - macports http://guide.macports.org/chunked/reference.livecheck.html Their Portfiles can have information about how to find released files (using regexp). Then periodically (e.g. daily) a bot visits webpages, parses html and checks if new files are present.
Is it possible to have such functionality in pacman? It would save users time and make package update time lower.
Some developers and Trusted Users already use tools to check websites for updates. I agree that it might be better to do this in a central location but this is certainly not a pacman issue. Maybe we could add something to archweb (or just use a bot, as you already mentioned).
Sure, I can file a ticket against archweb.
But I believe PKGBUILD file should have a field that describes how to find a new version for the package.
There is already the url= field.
In theory the bot can use "source" field of PKGBUILD. e.g. source looks like
It can extract the archive url
and then try to probe newer $pkgver. Current version is XX.YY.ZZ so bot can try XX.YY.ZZ+1, XX.YY+1.0, XX+1.0.0 This should cover most projects updates. There are some cases when version is not numeric one e.g. includes -alpha, -beta -rc, or some other versioning.
I have some good news. I implemented a script that checks the "next" version using algorithm above. Here it is https://github.com/anatol/pkglivecheck and here is its output https://gist.github.com/anatol/5413059 The script has following algorithm: it iterates through all PKGBUILD files in /var/abs, parses them and gets "sources" field. Then it tries to find "pkgversion" field in the url and replace that part with "next" version. Next version is one of the "X.Y.Z+1", "X.Y+1.0", "X+1.0.0". It uses curl to check whether the file exists on server. It works pretty well. It found a tons of outdated packages. I already marked ~40 packages as out-of-date. But it the future packages should be marked automatically without human intervention. There are some false positives/negatives though: - Not all urls are parseble. e.g. they have suffixes like "-rc1" or "-beta" or something like this. Some packages change versions in URLS e.g. 2.0.3 -> http://../foo-203.zip. My script does not handle it. - Some of the download files were removed, or project closed and website is dead. - There is no reliable way to get information whether file exists on server. I use "curl --head --L" and get "content_type" of the response. This works for ~97% of all packages. There are websites that e.g. return zip files with "content-type: plain/text". It is quite difficult whether it is "404 not found" page or a zip file. - Some web-site try to "help" users and return latest stable version of sources in case if you requested incorrect zip file. e.g. you ask for a version 3.2.1 and server returns "200" response with file "3.2.0". - Some projects have weird release version conventions. e.g. 422 and 424 are marked as beta and 423 is stable. Arch needs 423, but not 424. Saying that script works pretty well, and I am trying to address the rest of the issue. It worth looking at it output and check outofdate packages. I also think that packages need some "livecheck" field that describes how to find released versions. And algorithm above could be used as a default in case if there is no such "livecheck" field.