I noticed a change in the way 3.5 processes some of its command-line flags: It used to be that --debug and -v were handled immediately, such that their initial output appeared before pacman complained of a usage error. Now, it errors out immediately. This may seem like an unimportant case, but it actually breaks pkgfile from pkgtools, which runs both "pacman -v" and "pacman --debug" without any further arguments (so it can parse the output). As I haven't seen any bug report, any update to pkgfile from Daenyth, or any other comment, I thought I'd ask if this was intentional, and whether it is pacman, or pkgfile, that ought to change. I found it actually easy to work around, by modifying pkgfile to use a -Q main operation in both of these cases. If I haven't made myself clear, try doing just "pacman -v" or "pacman --debug" on both 3.4.x and 3.5.0.