I'm not convinced this is a worthwhile goal, but let's follow suit. Since we can't know the names of all the vars that might exist, unset them by pattern. --- scripts/makepkg.sh.in | 6 +++++- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in index c212ffc..e7a506f 100644 --- a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in +++ b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in @@ -1455,7 +1455,11 @@ fi unset pkgname pkgbase pkgver pkgrel epoch pkgdesc url license groups provides unset md5sums replaces depends conflicts backup source install changelog build -unset makedepends optdepends options noextract validpgpkeys +unset sha{1,224,256,384,512}sums makedepends optdepends options noextract validpgpkeys +unset "${!makedepends_@}" "${!depends_@}" "${!source_@}" "${!checkdepends_@}" +unset "${!optdepends_@}" "${!conflicts_@}" "${!provides_@}" "${!replaces_@}" +unset "${!md5sums_@}" "${!sha1sums_@}" "${!sha224sums_@}" "${!sha256sums_@}" +unset "${!sha384sums_@}" "${!sha512sums_@}" BUILDFILE=${BUILDFILE:-$BUILDSCRIPT} if [[ ! -f $BUILDFILE ]]; then -- 2.10.2