18 Apr
18 Apr
6:07 p.m.
Hi all, I run pacman v5.2.2 with Swedish localization. When removing a package with dependencies, the string …
Att ta bort XXXXförstör beroendet 'YYYY' som krävs avZZZZ
… is displayed, which loosely translates as:
Removing XXXXdestroys dependency 'YYYY' which is needed byZZZZ
There should be a space before "förstör" and after "av", like this:
Att ta bort XXXX förstör beroendet 'YYYY' som krävs av ZZZZ
which loosely corresponds to:
Removing XXXX destroys dependency 'YYYY' which is needed by ZZZZ
I have attached an example of the command output (log.txt). I have tried to fix this on Transifex, but I was unable to join the Pacman translation team for Swedish. My username there is lopezjuan. Best regards, Víctor