On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 10:44:18AM +0800, lolilolicon wrote:
I noticed a slight problem here- PKGBUILD(5) states the pkgrel variable is "not allowed to contain hyphens". So I realize possibly this, as well as my fix for bacman, is not exactly correct. I haven't checked the pacman code though, can you confirm?
Actually all of my local packages conform to the common practice of making pkgrel an integer, but I know a package in AUR, namely fortune-mod-tbbt, currently at 0.2-3.1, and presumably pacman doesn't complain about it.
Yep, you're correct. We seem to honor the same rules for pkgrel that we do for pkgver, and there's currently a fair number of these "oddities" in the repos (74 in total), a segment of them shown by: $ expac -Ss '%n\t%v' | awk '$2 ~/.*-[[:digit:]]+\..*/' I don't really see any reason we shouldn't explicitly disallow this -- vercmp will do just fine, and the pkgrel is essentially Arch's "local" version for the package. Makes me wonder if anything I've written recently needs to account for this... d