2008/3/4 Nagy Gabor <ngaba@bibl.u-szeged.hu>:
Idézés Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
2008/3/2, Justin Lampley <jrlampley@gmail.com>:
Attached is a patch to add an option that displays the old version of the package as well as size in column format for the upgrade operation. Another patch was submitted back in November for this, but it either got lost and buried in the list, or Dan just hated it :).
When enabled, this is what the upgrade information looks like:
Pkg Name New Version Old Version Size
perl 5.10.0-2 5.8.8-9 15.37 MB cairo-perl 1.044-1 1.041-1 0.10 MB courier-authlib 0.60.2-2 0.60.2-1 0.17 MB dhcpcd 3.2.1-1 3.2.0-1 0.04 MB imagemagick 2.00 MB glib-perl 1.162-1 1.160-1 0.36 MB perl-event 1.09-3 1.09-2 0.09 MB perl-anyevent 2.8-6 2.8-5 0.02 MB perl-libintl-perl 1.16-3 1.16-2 1.11 MB perl-event-execflow 0.63-3 0.63-2 0.04 MB gtk2-perl 1.162-1 1.160-1 2.28 MB perl-gtk2-ex-formfactory 0.65-4 0.65-3 0.20 MB
This output looks cleaner to me than that of ShowSize, because it's indented. But I wonder - what will be if user enables both options? One of them should definetely take precedence.
-- Roman Kyrylych (РОПан �и�иНи�) _______________________________________________
I agree with Romashka here. Yesterday I set ShowSize in pacman.conf (which induced my pacman.conf patch;-), but its output is not very human friendly, so I also suggest tune ShowSize.
Wowzers! This is kind of cool on one hand, but pretty darn overkill for at least my typical use pattern. This would be awesome for something like a curses frontend though, I would say that. Anyone want to start developing? :) If I was to critique it, I would agree that the column order should go old version, new version, size. But to be honest, I'm not too big on this patch so I probably wouldn't take it, unless there are a lot of people that have been looking for something like this. The addition of 140 lines of code doesn't exactly make me smile with joy, as I already think display_targets() is a rather gross function. -Dan