31 Jan
31 Jan
11:30 p.m.
On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 04:28:39PM -0600, Aaron Griffin wrote:
On 1/31/07, Jürgen Hötzel <juergen@hoetzel.info> wrote:
I don't know why language bindings generation is part of the pacman-lib CVS repository. Any swig-supported (not only perl/python/java) language binding can be generated from alpm.h and a swig interface file.
That's bothered me for some time as well, but I didn't put too much thought into it. Don't we need the alpm.i conversions, though? Should that be distributed some way?
The supplied alpm.i is just a (very simple) example about how to bind c data types. A Real-World binding would use Type-Maps to provide smart bindings. There is no "single" interface file to meet all needs. Jürgen