Dave Reisner <d@falconindy.com> on Tue, 2013/03/05 10:31:
On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 04:19:13PM +0100, Christian Hesse wrote:
Simon Gomizelj <simongmzlj@gmail.com> on Mon, 2013/03/04 17:49:
I believe I addressed all the criticisms thus far.
I'll just share this instead of spamming the mailing list with yet another patchset.
Tested your patches, works really well so far.
I would like pacman to color the actions it performs. Messages printed by pre_*() and post_*() functions would be a lot more visible then.
The attached patch is just a "quick and dirty proof of concept.
I'm not really in favor of doing this. We're already labelling output in the log file which makes it stand out quite well on its own. I don't think we need to do this as well on terminal output.
Ah, did not notice that... Really nice! (I would still see it highlighted on the terminal, but I am happy that way, too. ;) -- main(a){char*c=/* Schoene Gruesse */"B?IJj;MEH" "CX:;",b;for(a/* Chris get my mail address: */=0;b=c[a++];) putchar(b-1/(/* gcc -o sig sig.c && ./sig */b/42*2-3)*42);}