Idézés Dan McGee <>:
On Dec 3, 2007 4:47 AM, Nagy Gabor <> wrote:
Well, the changelog between 3.0.x and 3.1 will be huge and impressive;-) There are some issues which annoy me a bit: (but this is only one thing: see for details) <- %REASON% is one of my favourite libalpm features, and now this is quite buggy :-( -FS#8350
OK, I don't want to delay this release (imho we should release pacman more frequently <- but then we should do a message freeze between two major versions to help to our translators), but I think we should release 3.1.1 soon to fix these. Or to be precise, these are libalpm (libdownload?) issues, but in AL we have no separate libalpm package.
I think we can get this into 3.1 without a problem, IF we can exactly lay out the problem. From your other email, it looks like we should have a sequence of patches that do the following: 1. Add an --asexplicit option 2. First, determine a REASON policy for things such as installs, upgrades, and syncs including pulling in deps. Second, make a patch that implements this (and has comments in the code and commit msg!) 3. Implement HoldPkg reason (value of 2)? If they aren't already, these should become constants/enums in the code since we now have more than two possibilities.
So, in short Nagy- pick what you want to do above and help us get this done. Also, let me know what Aaron or I need to do to help you.
3. is not important (I misinterpreted Holdpkg) Well, I overlooked something: "it owerwrites the old reason iff the new reason is depend" <- now this is not true imho (pactests?). %REASON% communication between upgrade and sync transactions is chaotic (via pkgcache), but looks OK: -sync.c presets reason: dependency iff this is a dependency (bit buggy, -add.c keep this result if no old version was found (package born), and copy the old reason if old version was found 1. is easy to implement, but we are in message freeze (or not?) 2. this needs sync.c (pmsyncpkg_t) rework, but currently sync.c is so hard-to-understand that I don't want to do this. Bye ---------------------------------------------------- SZTE Egyetemi Könyvtár - This mail sent through IMP: