On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 03:14:16AM +0200, wael@siemens-mobiles.org wrote:
Let's consider the following setup: I have a distribution (any distribution it doesn't matter) installed on / where am looking to install arch or frugalware on a chroot from it, So pacman has been extracted to / and pacman.static is used... let's suppose /arch is the chroot...
As i always install and upgrade I keep the pacman cache in /home partition under /home/cache/pacman and create a symlink ( /var/cache/pacman -> /home/cache/pacman ), so for instance /arch/var/cache/pacman is a symlink to /home/cache/pacman (I know the link is broken but that's the idea), Now I run pacman.static -Sy -r /arch bash db binutils kernel26
Of course pacman will begin by saying, /arch/var/cache/pacman does not exist... creating it (since the symlink is broken) but it also fails to create it, so pacman decides to use /tmp and here it is all messed up, it start downloading packages to /arch/tmp and it fails on checking packages integrity it seems it is trying to do that on /tmp instead of /arch/tmp..
here is a proposed fix: http://darcs.frugalware.org/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi?r=pacman;a=plain_commitdif...; udv / greetings, VMiklos -- Developer of Frugalware Linux, to make things frugal - http://frugalware.org