On Thu, 24 Dec 2020 at 00:57, Eli Schwartz <eschwartz@archlinux.org> wrote:
On 12/23/20 5:42 PM, Emil Velikov wrote:
Instead extracting/listing objects from existing static libraries, simply add those to the link list. Note that link_whole is needed otherwise, unused code will be pruned. This is intentional! link_whole is broken, just like the comment says.
It is fixed in newer versions of meson than the current minimum. The fix is that link_whole does precisely what extract_all_objects() does. In other words, link_whole is syntactic sugar for extract_all_objects().
I have intended to switch to link_whole, but *only* once we bump the minimum version of meson to something that guarantees the result is functional.
I didn't want to bump the minimum version of meson just for this.
AFAICT the bug link talks about link_with being broken and says "do not use link_whole" w/o much reason. There seems to be something more to in link_whole than extract_all_objects() since the latter fails with the proposed visibility patch (3/3). Regardless, I may have found a way to make it work w/o bumping the version. Thanks Emil