Hello, I would add a new feature in makepkg, which allow downloading of git/hg/cvs/etc content directly by makepkg. This feature can be great for packages in AUR. We have a lot of -git packages which can use this to escape to do it manually each time. I looked over the code and there is a design choice to make. Currently sources url is [filename::]http://toto. If we want to know which kind of url is (regular / git / hg) we need to have this information in PKGBUILD because git can download from http/ftp/git protocol. We can have many array in PKGBUILD as source=("http://toto") gitsouce=("git://toto.git) hgsource=("http://otot.hg) or have a more complex url syntax like [type:::][filename::]http://toto where type can be git/hg/cvs/etc. What do you think? -- Sébastien Luttringer www.seblu.net