On 10/17/06, Charles Mauch <cmauch@taclug.org> wrote:
The build process is fairly error-free at this point, though it took more than a week of hacking to get it error-free. :)
The process works something like this....
1. Every night my cpan modules list is updated via a cron job. 2. About 30 minutes later, I scrape the above url for modules to build. 3. If there is a difference between the cpan module version and the repo version, the module is built, and a build-report is generated. 4a. The next morning I commit any changes to the repo via svn. 4b. I have code ready to auto-commit changes to the repo, but I'd like let things run for a week or two before I allow the script to bypass the last vestiges of human control of the process. :)
This is rather ingenious. I actually think this makes far more sense than what I had in mind. I'm sure Xentac has a comment or two on this. The idea I had was to use the libalpm bindings to create a perl frontend which grabbed things from CPAN and wrote db information upon install. This would tie together with some meta naming.... i.e. perl:libxml would call the perl plugin. This is actually a superior idea IMO, and could be extended infinitely (to python, et al) and not require a complex plugin system in pacman to do this. Could you please publish your scripts and any changes you made somewhere?
It will be great to see cpan or cpanplus integrated into pacman, but I think this works as a great near-term solution or a long-term alternative.
Just out of curiosity, what would be the benefit, in your eyes, of integrating cpan directly into pacman rather than auto-generating packages like this?