While I do not think that pacman's current translation process should be changed, I welcome any other approach towards i18n/l10n. If you can come up with a POT file for the installer, just count me in for the German version. Of course, this means that several small files must be added to the images, so nothing could be done without the consent of Simo or others. Another point which has been discussed often over the last two years on this list was translating man-pages. This has always been considered a good idea with very little priority. So I decided to do some stuff before bringing this issue up again, asked for help in the German forums (which I received) and set up a project on my own. Like the pacman devs, we are using asciidoc to produce html and groff versions. The first will allow us to mirror the entire archlinux.org/pacman page at archlinux.de, to link directly to German versions from our wiki, etc. The second is intended for building a locally installable packages at a later date (with the appropriate form still needing to be discussed). I have not worked much on that recently, but is fair to say that all the hard work has already done. The files are badly in need of corrections und updates, though. Entire project history is here, btw: http://git.archlinux.de/cgit.cgi?url=mpg/log/ Maybe it is still not to late to get a first version online jointly with pacman 3.2. Best regards, Matt