Okay, once again while conversing with stonecrest, we noticed (mostly him noticing) that -Sp is broken and -Se is broken. -Sp is supposed to print out the URI of the package and its dependencies, we both ran -Se and it would only print out the package's URI, not its dependencies. Also, even though it wasn't updating the package, if it was already installed it would ask if you were sure you wanted to update the package: #flac depends on glibc and libogg james->monkeybox : pacman -Sp flac :: flac-1.1.2-3: local version is up to date. Upgrade anyway? [Y/n] y resolving dependencies... done. ftp://archlinux.puzzle.ch/current/os/i686/flac-1.1.2-3.pkg.tar.gz Shouldn't it also print out glibc's and libogg's URI and not ask if you want to upgrade anyway because there is no upgrading going on in the first place? And for -Se, it should only install the dependencies of the package and not the package itself. For example, pacman -Se gimmix should only with all its deps installed but libmpd should ONLY install libmpd and not gimmix, here is the output: resolving dependencies... done. looking for inter-conflicts... done. Targets: libmpd-0.13.0-1 gimmix-0.4.1-1 Total Package Size: 0.14 MB Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y :: Retrieving packages from community... gimmix 62.1K 117.8K/s 00:00:01 [-------------------------------------------------------------] 100% checking package integrity... done. cleaning up... done. (2/2) checking for file conflicts [-------------------------------------------------------------] 100% (1/2) installing libmpd [-------------------------------------------------------------] 100% (2/2) installing gimmix [-------------------------------------------------------------] 100% It installs gimmix anyway. ~ Jamie / yankees26