On 12/02/16 20:09, Christian Hesse wrote:
When I added this we had early libpng releases with had problems with ancient broken png files that are still around in some packages. Using optipng was an easy way to fix this. Space saving was just an extra. ;) Recently, there was a bug affecting an SVG library in a similar way. [1] Until it was fixed, I solved this problem manually converting the image in the PKGBUILD. The SVG optimization Allan mentioned could possibly have been an easy fix. So I think of them as useful. However, keeping the modules in the main pacman repository with no real maintenance also gives the wrong impression.
Throwing away both altogether seems to me like discarding sensible work already done. As far as I understand the structure, they could simply be moved out to another package. PKGBUILDs using the respective options could then simply depend on this package. So how about posting them to the AUR as "makepkg-optimize", orphaned. This would leave the content in a usable state, while clearly showing that it is unsupported and without maintainer. From there, any interested developer still using those options may even take over. [1]: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/47245