Xavier wrote:
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 2:14 PM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
My hacked makepkg with:
msg "ALLAN!: $netfile" local proto=$(echo $netfile | sed 's|://.*||') msg "ALLAN!: $proto" sleep 5
outputs this: ==> ALLAN!: http://www.mythtv.org/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=136&foo=/mythplugins-0.21.tar.bz2 ==> ALLAN!:
So it is that sed line that is failing
Indeed, that is the first problem, netfile should be quoted here. local proto=$(echo "$netfile" | sed 's|://.*||')
And that $netfile should be $url....
But once this is fixed, we run into a second problem, with another sed command, which breaks because of all the & in the url. local dlcmd=$(echo "$dlagent" | sed "s|%o|$file.part|" | sed "s|%u|$netfile|"
$ netfile="ab&cd&ef"; echo "%u" | sed "s|%u|$netfile|" ab%ucd%uef
$ netfile="ab\&cd\&ef"; echo "%u" | sed "s|%u|$netfile|" ab&cd&ef
So I don't see how to fix this except manually escaping all & in the url...
Well, to just make the bug more obscure. $ netfile="ab&cd&ef"; echo "%u" | sed "s|%u|$netfile|" | sed "s|\%u|\&|g" ab&cd&ef But that makes problems if there is a %u in the url. But can we do some multistage hackery like that? Allan