On 1/31/07, Aaron Griffin <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com> wrote:
On 1/31/07, Jürgen Hötzel <juergen@hoetzel.info> wrote:
I don't know why language bindings generation is part of the pacman-lib CVS repository. Any swig-supported (not only perl/python/java) language binding can be generated from alpm.h and a swig interface file.
That's bothered me for some time as well, but I didn't put too much thought into it. Don't we need the alpm.i conversions, though? Should that be distributed some way?
It doesn't look like there is whole lot in that alpm.i file at the moment, and I'm not sure what those pointer_cast functions are doing. Why don't we make a base-level folder named extra, write up a README file describing the things that are in it, and put things like alpm.i in there? Then we can simplify the building process here once at a time. I think this will also clean up Makefile.am and configure.ac a good amount if we get rid of the bindings always being built. -Dan