Hi, this is a bit of an OCD thing, but `makepkg --printsrcinfo` usually generates a file with two newlines at the end. This logic happens in pacman/scripts/libmakepkg/srcinfo.sh.in (/usr/share/makepkg/srcinfo.sh) The relevant functions: srcinfo_close_section() { echo } srcinfo_write_global() { ... srcinfo_open_section 'pkgbase' "${pkgbase:-$pkgname}" srcinfo_write_section_details '' srcinfo_close_section } srcinfo_write_package() { ... srcinfo_open_section 'pkgname' "$1" srcinfo_write_section_details "$1" srcinfo_close_section } As you can see, the functions process section details, and then print out a newline no matter if details printed something or not. The write_section_details eventually leads to: srcinfo_write_attr() { ... printf "\t$attrname = %s\n" "${attrvalues[@]}" } Which seems to always print out a newline, so I believe the srcinfo_close_section function is not needed there and simply removing it and the two lines that call it would solve this issue, as per the patchfile in the attachment. Thanks for taking a look at this, Marti