25 Jan
25 Jan
1:08 p.m.
On 25/1/20 12:19 am, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote:
Em janeiro 24, 2020 1:56 Allan McRae escreveu:
Well... we hope that no-one will ever use this algorithm!
Then why waste everyone's time going through this process of adding it?
Because I consider people to be delusional who use "makepkg -g" and think their checksums are fine. I find trust on first use ignorant in terms of software downloads. That is reflected in my decision to include CRC and add it as the default, so PKGBUILDs from people who add checksums without thinking will be visible. Even then, the CRC checksum will only be used by "makepkg -g" if there is no other checksums in a PKGBUILD. So only a portion of the blind trust will be visible. Allan