On 19:46 Fri 20 Apr , VMiklos wrote:
Na Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 06:34:14PM +0200, Nagy Gabor <ngaba@petra.hos.u-szeged.hu> pisal(a):
the sqrt(n) steps, which doesn't exist in your repos. It would be helpful if you'd do your test with AL repos
that _would_ be as easy as installing -g2 on your machine ;)
Note: there are some broken deps in community ;-).
yupp, probably their are needed because of The Arch Way. or maybe it was the KISS philosophy? sorry, i already forgot it..
VMiklos, there is no need to remind us that Arch Linux "is teh shit" so often. Nagy, could you please report the broken deps of community to me or to tur-users@archlinux.org ? Cheers, -- Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino Arch Linux Trusted User Public Key @ http://themolok.netsons.org/uploads/themolok.asc Key ID = 1024D / FE0270FB 2007-04-11 Key Fingerprint = 9AF8 9011 F271 450D 59CF 2D7D 96C9 8F2A FE02 70FB