Hi guys! I was thinking it could be a cool feature if pacman can warn the user every time news are published on our main page by issuing an alert when: 1. issuing a pacman -Syu -- which involves full system upgrade 2. issuing a pacman -S {package} -- providing the package being installed or upgraded is named in the latest news. Furthermore, the alert type could be customized within pacman.conf to show a simple alert message, to actually show the full news or to not show anything at all: 1. Simple message example: "There are some important news you should be aware, please consider visiting: http://www.archlinux.org/\n\n", or "[...] please consider visiting Arch Linux front page.", etc. I myself prefer the first option since most X consoles/terminals can convert the url to a clickable link. 2. Full news shown: "Latest news from 2012-07-14: The /lib directory becomes a symlink\nAll Arch Linux packages have had their files in[...]" A flag in -for example- /var/lib/pacman/sync can be set once the warning or full news are displayed to avoid showing them again if there isn't fresh news to show. I want to make it clear I _do_ check out our front page regularly, I do navigate the forums and I do read our mailing lists for both request help myself and -to try- to help fellow archers as much as my meager free time let me do that, but I still think this would be a great addition to pacman than can make its use a smoother and streamlined experience. Please let me know ff this list isn't the right place to post this feature request so I can post it again in the right place. Best wishes, Martín Cigorraga -- -msx