On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Paul Dufresne <dufresnep@gmail.com> wrote:
Well, I have lots of errors while downloading packages with pacman, and almost never while downloading files from Shiretoko Firefox.
I have tried many mirrors, that's the same for each.
Oh... I use a 56k modem (Intel 536EP Data Fax modem).
But even while downloading in Firefox, it sometimes give me the feeling it has stopped downloading for about 40 secs... while pacman seems to give up after about 20 secs.
I did not tried yet to download with wget or curl (does pacman use one of them?).
Is there a constant I could change in the code, and rebuild it?... I did not download the code of pacman yet.
Using arch with a 56k modem is called masochism :)
Seriously, I would never do that, I would just get a dvd of a linux distribution that already contains a lot of software.
If that doesn't make any sense.. well, curl and wget are indeed known to behave more nicely than libfetch with crap connections.
I used Arch without internet for a while. :-) (-Sp) Xavier, I am happy to hear that someone uses a slow connection, at least we have a beta-tester for timeout-related patches. Maybe this is a good occasion to test fetchTimeout. ;-) Bye