Hey guys, We are really close to releasing pacman 3 to testing, but Aaron and I wanted to get you guys to do some serious testing for a few days before we do that. Both of us are now running pacman 3 exclusively, so have no fears. :) PLEASE read this first. This is no longer a side-by-side install, this will REPLACE pacman on your system. It is perfectly safe, but realize that you are upgrading, not simply installing another version. In addition, if you have pacman-rc installed currently, it is easiest to run a 'pacman -R pacman-rc' first to prevent weird things from happening. Here is the package: <http://www.archlinux.org/~dan/pacman/pacman-3.0.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz> And for those of you that want to build it on your own, I put the PKGBUILD and install file up as well. I recommend a bootstrap build- use your existing makepkg to build, upgrade, and then makepkg and upgrade again. However, you should have no problems along the way, so let us know of any. Here is that link: <http://www.archlinux.org/~dan/pacman/> Please report anything to us here on the list that you may find. We may not respond instantly but we will take a look at any possible bugs you guys point out. -Dan