9 Feb
9 Feb
11:38 p.m.
FS#6378 - pacman 3: output issues User who did this: - Roman Kyrylych (Romashka)
---------- 1) I meant that it would be nice to have output like 2,0M -> 2,3M -> 2,7M -> 3,2M, than just 2M -> 3M
That is what the int -> float change does, if you know the C language types- it allows decimal places.
2) I don't understand what you mean by "translate from language to language" :-/
Does "..." mean "name continues but it is too long" in all languages? Of course, gettext should be able to translate this string, but the original question still stands if there is a punctuation mark in all languages used for the same purpose the English "..." is. -Dan