On Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 11:47:40AM -0500, Aaron Griffin wrote:
On 10/27/07, Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@frugalware.org> wrote:
for darcs and git, you could use curl to determine the last update of the repo. they will be still ugly (not as nice as git-describe is), but at least it will show when the master branch is updated
date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S --date '`curl -I $url/HEAD 2>&1|sed -n '/^Last-Modified/s/^[^:]*: //p'`'
lynx -source -dump $url/_darcs/inventory|grep ']'|sed -n 's/.*\*\(.*\)\]./\1/;$ p'
Doesn't this require a web interface though? I guess we're already pinned to some sort of web interface, but I'm just thinking outloud. Is there a use-case where a darcs or git repo would NOT be HTTP accessible?
If I'm not mistaken the main darcs interface is http. The only other way to interact with it is over ssh. So this will probably work for darcs. Jason