From: Ivy Foster <> Though correct, the wording of the description of Query's -t/--unrequired option was confusing. Closes FS#48144. Signed-off-by: Ivy Foster <> --- doc/pacman.8.txt | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/doc/pacman.8.txt b/doc/pacman.8.txt index 2bafa41..0fa727e 100644 --- a/doc/pacman.8.txt +++ b/doc/pacman.8.txt @@ -338,10 +338,10 @@ Query Options (apply to '-Q')[[QO]] with descriptions matching ALL of those terms are returned. *-t, \--unrequired*:: - Restrict or filter output to packages not required or optionally required by - any currently installed package. Specify this option twice to only filter - packages that are direct dependencies (i.e. do not filter optional - dependencies). + Restrict or filter output to print only packages neither required nor + optionally required by any currently installed package. Specify this + option twice to include packages which are optionally, but not directly, + required by another package. *-u, \--upgrades*:: Restrict or filter output to packages that are out-of-date on the local -- 2.10.0