On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 07:49:57PM -0500, Dan McGee wrote:
<snip awesome enormous code review>
13 is unlucky so I skipped it. :P
Round two! I've merged pactree into src/util and it's living in my pacman tree: http://github.com/falconindy/pacman/tree/pactree-c/src/util/pactree.c Dan: I think I tackled your list with a great amount of success. With some good additional advice from Xavier and yourself (plus the proposed API addition), I'm feeling that it's greatly improved all around. Concerns: 1) Commenting. Everything seems fairly self explanatory to me, but you all may want me to 'splain myself. 2) I really hate seeing the enormous nests of if/else going on when it comes to output. If anyone has any advice about how I can clean this up, I'm all ears. d