Am Montag, den 12.10.2009, 18:15 +0200 schrieb Xavier:
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Marc - A. Dahlhaus [ Administration | Westermann GmbH ] <> wrote:
They are on different hosts and different carrier networks. They get time updates via ntp from the same source. System times are sane on this boxes.
Anyway we are using ust.mtime from libfetch. I would think this comes from http Last-Modified and thus should not cause problems. But I am not sure. I am still trying to understand how this stuff works :)
Thanks Xavier, this information was what was missing in this puzzle for me. I sniffed the http headers with tshark and checked what pacman asks for per header and what lighttpd is sending back to pacman in response. This is definitely a lighttpd bug. It answers with "304 not modified" response even if the file was modified because of some missing checks.
Sorry for the noise.
If anybody is interested, this is the corresponding fix for lighttpd-1.4.23 which will be in 1.4.24 when it gets released:
Ah cool, glad to know it's already figured out :) Wasn't it this bug :
Yes, that's the one.
The patch linked there look like a subset of your link above. But that makes sense because the revision fixing the issue seems to be 2608 or 2609 and your link above is a diff between 2408 and 2643
And don't worry about the noise, it's interesting to know that pacman doesn't play nicely since 3.3.1 with lighttpd-1.4.23 because of a bug.
Got that, thanks for your help with this problem. By the way, i'll post the repo-delta-clean stuff sometime this week after i got around to make a final set of tests. Marc