Xavier wrote:
I am sure you read the wiki, right? :) http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman_Development Before using the git cheat sheet, it is highly recommended to read the Super_Quick_Git_Guide http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Super_Quick_Git_Guide http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Super_Quick_Git_Guide#Fixing_your_patch _______________________________________________
Yes, I read those pages, initially. I guess much of it didn't sink in at the time because I haven't been using this process to update patches, as suggested by the super quick git guide: git rebase -i <sha1 from above> (edit the text file that appears so 'edit' appears next to the commit you wish to modify) (edit the required files) git add -u git commit --amend git rebase --continue To be honest, this isn't a whole lot better in terms of number of git commands to run, or things to screw up, as my "create new branch, merge changes in one at a time, fix, and recommit them" process, but if it's the standard way, then I'll do it. The hard parts of getting all of the little details in the changes right, and having to repeat the process if I make any mistakes, plus rebulding, running tests, etc, between each change, all are still required. Thanks, Bryan