Just thought I'd drop a note in here regarding some updates I've made to the perl repo. Today I squashed what I hope is the last bug in the build process. It's been semi-reliable for a while, but often seemed to require babysitting. If it makes it through tonight's build without errors (which i exect), I'm going to turn off the last human-checking mechanism I have in the process ( committing changes via svn to the repo ) to the script. Some notes on convention I've come up with, that maybe others might find useful. Some packages come from CPAN without a good description. Also, I found that including the actual CPAN module name in the description helps when searching. So all package descriptions are prefixed with the 'normal' perl module name. EG: Module::Foo:Bar - A perl module description from upstream I've also modified the wikipage somewhat so that less user-submitted modules are processed. I keep a local list handy which is used to seed the build process with modules that (I think) should be a part of the repo. This means that modules on this private list can't be removed at whim by a user mucking with the wiki. Eventually, it would be nice to have modules on this private list incorporated back into [community] or [extra]. I'm still working on a process to merge both lists so that dependencies from one list don't bleed into the other. But in any case, I'm hopeful that by the end of the week at latest the entire thing should be mostly self-maintaining. -- Take it easy, Charles FSF Apologist, WikiNut, Concrete Analyst, etc. JABBER: cmauch@gmail.com GIZMO: charlesmauch AIM: cmauch5 :: Playing "Crash And Carry" by Orbital (Snivilisation)