On 4/28/19 10:05 AM, ekardnam wrote:
Thanks for the feedback,
I'll post using git-send-mail later has I'm having some troubles with some perl ssl modules it requires. (I even had read that page but completely forgot about that, sorry about that)
Yeah I resubmitted the patch because I thought it went lost, didn't mean to rush you. I thought you may have preffered having the patch on the mailing list rather than in the bugtracker.
Thanks for your suggestions, I'll take them into practice in the next patch resubmission using git -send-mail
The mailing list does get some more viewers, plus it also shows up in patchwork, so to a certain degree we do prefer it on the mailing list. Thanks! I think git send-email should work fine with just the three optdepends listed in `pacman -Qi git`. I hope that helps. :) -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User