13 May
13 May
7:01 p.m.
On 12/05/14 10:25 PM, lolilolicon wrote:
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 1:18 PM, lolilolicon <lolilolicon@gmail.com> wrote:
Anyway, maybe we can ask bash to pre-formalize the PKGBUILD a little bit so be can parse it more confidently com, by using abination of `set -x` and `typeset`. don't know how it got messed up there, should have been "by using a combination of".
actually, we can simply use typeset alone too. With `typeset foo` and `typeset package_{one,two}`. etc etc.
I went searching for a way around this and found your thread https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=85726. Has someone tried to get "source only variables" accepted upstream in bash?