I've noticed that our sync DB entries got a lot bigger with the new repository generation tools. Are we sure we want this? Here is a DB entry produced by repo-add: $ cat custom/pacman-3.0.0-rc2/desc %FILENAME% pacman-3.0.0-rc2-i686.pkg.tar.gz %NAME% pacman %VERSION% 3.0.0-rc2 %DESC% A library-based package manager with dependency support %CSIZE% 791331 %ISIZE% 2014429 %MD5SUM% 263805fff1ce59550f37a22dac468a31 %URL% http://www.archlinux.org/pacman/ %LICENSE% GPL %ARCH% i686 %BUILDDATE% Mon Mar 12 18:05:54 2007 %PACKAGER% Dan McGee <dpmcgee@gmail.com> %REPLACES% pacman-rc And a DB entry from pacman 2 tools: $ cat current/pacman-2.9.8-4/desc %NAME% pacman %VERSION% 2.9.8-4 %DESC% A .tar.gz based package manager with dependency support %CSIZE% 488015 %MD5SUM% c6e0ffd2fd0f8e69f9ba0cb9de8fcf64 We have 13 vs. 5 fields in the old. I don't know if this will be a significant slowdown for pacman, but it will definitely be larger DB downloads once you do this to every package in current or extra. -Dan