Jud wrote:
Thanks everyone for the quick replies. My only intention is to make Arch and pacman better.
Everything added in is from other PKGBUILDs and what others have said to do over the past few weeks, as you could guess it has become very confusing. So I am glad to get this all straightened out and everyone can learn and make Arch and Pacman better. Personally, I couldn't give a c#%p what is in the PKGBUILD as long as everyone (Devs included) are on the same page.
Stylistic guidelines are almost never agreed on by anyone and are not particularly enforceable. As an example, search for C code formating guidelines on the web...
arch=() # For Arch Linux: arch=('i686' 'x86_64') Would this line be ok since I'd say the over whelming usage would be Arch (and derivatives) based?
I would like it left as just "arch=()". There is an example in the PKGBUILD man page.
url line Only following the "Options and Directives" from the "PKGBUILD(5) Manual Page" Which I believe makes sense if you consider the old "Who? What? Where? When?" [1]. Also I think it reads and looks much better.
If pacman is trying to be Distro independent wouldn't it be better to change line 9 from PKGBUILD.5.txt "PKGBUILD - Arch Linux package build description file"? I would be happy to help re-write the whole file.
Yes, that should be fixed. I do not think it needs that much of a rewrite though.
Do these following lines have the same result? cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
Well, the quotes in the top line allow $srcdir to have spaces. Otherwise they are the some thing. The {}'s are redundant in this case.
From the PKGBUILDs I have studied (over 500 in the past few weeks) I would say it would be about 50/50 split (some only have 'cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver')
I have to admit that I do not use quotes because I don't care about people who use spaces in directory names... But the prototype probably should keep the quotes in.
Anyways I'm not phased which way the knife falls and I hope we can sort this all out quickly.
Cheers Jud