On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 1:50 AM, Xavier <shiningxc@gmail.com> wrote:
The relevant part of the code is indeed the one you showed, but you have to look around it too: for (beg = file + i; beg < end; beg = file + i + 1) { while (*beg == '/') ++beg, ++i; for (++i; file + i < end && file[i] != '/'; ++i) /* nothing */; if(beg < end) e = _ftp_cmd(conn, "CWD %.*s", file + i - beg, beg); if (e != FTP_FILE_ACTION_OK) { _ftp_seterr(e); return (-1); } }
It looks very weird to check for the e error here, while on the previous line, e was only set conditionally (only if beg < end).
Actually, here is how that part looks like in upstream code : http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/lib/libfetch/ftp.c?rev=1.102 for (beg = file + i; beg < end; beg = file + i + 1) { while (*beg == '/') ++beg, ++i; for (++i; file + i < end && file[i] != '/'; ++i) /* nothing */ ; e = ftp_cmd(conn, "CWD %.*s", file + i - beg, beg); if (e != FTP_FILE_ACTION_OK) { ftp_seterr(e); return (-1); } } So it is the same except that ftp_cmd is always run, and thus e always set here. But well, running that with stupid urls with double slashes does not seem to work either. Now it is the ftp_cmd call (CWD command) which will fail. However, the same patch I mentioned above, supposed to reduce latency, also fixes the issue as a side effect. http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/lib/libfetch/ftp.c.diff?r1=1.91.2.... Anyway, the important part was to fix pacman, and I already made a patch for that. I also wanted to try to figure out what was happening in libdownload, and I at least partly managed to do that. And I think I found reasons for trying to follow the upstream code more closely. Aaron seems to be willing to do that, so everything is perfect :)