2009. 09. 16, szerda keltezéssel 14.11-kor Xavier ezt írta:
On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Dan McGee <dpmcgee@gmail.com> wrote:
Any blockers or objections to going with what we pretty much have right now? We'll need a (short) translation period of course as we updated and added some messages, but I can't think of much else.
One objection : someone (probably me) should actually update one translation to check everything is fine before any translation period, even minor ones. Many times I detected some problems while translating after the string freeze, and it was obviously too late to fix. So if this could be done systematically, it would be perfect :)
+1 for Xavier's suggestion, see also: http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2009-July/009064.html Someone should collect the problematic strings and fix them in a commit. Personally I can recall two of them: 1. " -u, --sysupgrade upgrade all outdated packages (-uu enables downgrade)\n" I have no better suggestion. 2. "no database for package: %s\n" (in pacman/sync.c) The second one should be something like "no Server URL for package: %s\n" Bye PS: +1 for 3.3.1 release, I can't see any serious unfixed issue in bug tracker since 3.3.