G_Syme wrote:
On Sunday 24 August 2008 03:42:05 Xavier wrote:
[...] For FS#11292 (handling multiple source files which have the same name), a new feature had to be introduced. it is now possible to use the filename of your choice for remote sources, like this : source=('filename::http://path/to/file') This allows to handle multiple source files with same name, and also to handle more nicely weird URLs like http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=6992.
I've tried the above feature with a modified version of my eclipse-subversive-svn-connector package (attached).
I used the PKGBUILD you attached and it worked fine. I also tested with and without SRCDEST set in case that somehow caused it.
I've got the following behavior from makepkg: After clearing my local makepkg source cache I try to run:
$ makepkg -g ==> Retrieving Sources... -> Downloading feature.jar... --2008-08-24 10:22:46-- http://www.polarion.org/projects/subversive/download/eclipse/2.0/update-site... Resolving www.polarion.org... Connecting to www.polarion.org||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 16510 (16K) [application/java-archive] Saving to: `org.polarion.eclipse.team.svn.connector_2.0.3.I20080814-1500.jar'
100%[======================================>] 16,510 --.-K/s in 0.1s
2008-08-24 10:22:47 (109 KB/s) - `org.polarion.eclipse.team.svn.connector_2.0.3.I20080814-1500.jar' saved [16510/16510]
What is really strange here is that makepkg isn't even saving the file to <name>.part. I don't understand this. Allan