Aaron Griffin schrieb:
The typical centralized workflow is that contributers check out the "official" tree, create their patches, and then request to pull changes (via git-pull, emailing patches or other means). The nature of multiple people contributing at once is that things will get updated while you're working on something. Unfortunately the only thing you can do is fix it up and re-submit. Don't worry about what other people are doing, you should really be focusing on changes in the official tree. If you read that someone is making huge changes to something related to what you're working on then you could start basing your patches off them (this is the distributed part), if you're certain they will go into the official tree. It's just common sense really.
Yeah, that's the git concept that confuses lots of people at first. Don't worry about other people's trees (unless they're your base), only worry about the tree you want to get merged to. The one managing THAT tree should concern themselves with the merges (though, they may simply say: "can you fix this up so it merges cleanly after these changes?").
Some people don't seem to know about projects.archlinux.org. Jeff developed patches against pacman 3.2.2's makepkg, while similar changes already went into our master tree, which is located at http://projects.archlinux.org/?p=pacman.git;a=summary (URLs for cloning are also visible on that page). So maybe we should include in the PKGBUILD (that's where most people probably look when they want to get the source) a comment with a link to the master tree. I hope that this URL is already in the README from the source file as well.