[pacman-dev] Idea for makepkg. Use notify-send when package finishes compiling. (optional feature)
Often when compiling large packages I find myself missing the "sudo" promt to install compiled package. I have thought of a solution using notify-send command from community/inotify-tools package that will send a notification when the package finishes compiling. (but before install) Could be implemented as an opt-in option in makepkg.conf If you are interested I can send a patch. -- igo95862 <igo95862@yandex.ru>
On 9/26/19 7:12 PM, igo95862 wrote:
Sounds like your /etc/sudoers is misconfigured, try setting passwd_timeout to something else. Alternatively, even if pacman exited with a failure to install the built package, you can always run makepkg -i again -- pacman will detect the built package and go straight to offering to install it. You could also generally avoid using makepkg -i to build, but simply use: makepkg && notify-send ... && makepkg --packagelist | sudo pacman -U - Store this as a small shellscript called "makepkg-notify". -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User
On Thu, 2019-09-26 at 19:29 -0400, Eli Schwartz wrote:
I ended up using sed to insert the line in to makepkg #!/usr/bin/bash eval "$(sed '$ i\notify-send "makepkg" "Finished making: $pkgbase"' /usr/bin/makepkg)" Probably not the best way. (not very familiar with shell scripting, sorry) Not sure if I should post it on the wiki if it is too much of a hack. -- igo95862 <igo95862@yandex.ru>
participants (2)
Eli Schwartz