[pacman-dev] different behavior for replaces/conflicts
i've made a dvbcut-svn pkg that has conflicts=('dvbcut') replaces=('dvbcut') pacman (2) can handle this well but pacman3 fails: [root@workstation64 andyrtr]# pacman3 -U /home/daten/arch64/packages/testing/dvbcut-svn-20070213-1.pkg.tar.gz Lade Paketdaten ... beendet. Prüfe Abhängigkeiten ... :: dvbcut-svn steht im Konflikt mit dvbcut. dvbcut entfernen? [J/n] j beendet. cleaning up... beendet. (1/1) checking for file conflicts [##################################################################################################] 100% error: Konnte Durchführung nicht vorbereiten (conflicting files) dvbcut-svn: /usr/bin/dvbcut exists in filesystem Fehler aufgetreten, kein Paket wird aktualisiert. [root@workstation64 andyrtr]# pacman -U /home/daten/arch64/packages/testing/dvbcut-svn-20070213-1.pkg.tar.gz loading package data... done. :: dvbcut-svn conflicts with dvbcut. Remove dvbcut? [Y/n] y removing dvbcut... done. checking for file conflicts... done. installing dvbcut-svn... done.
dvbcut can give you a video preview.
just install mplayer to have this further feature. pure cutting won´t need it. [root@workstation64 andyrtr]#
Am Dienstag, 13. Februar 2007 10:04:44 schrieb Andreas Radke:
i've made a dvbcut-svn pkg that has
conflicts=('dvbcut') replaces=('dvbcut')
pacman (2) can handle this well but pacman3 fails:
Perhaps just removing "conflicts=('dvbcut')" and only include "replaces=('dvbcut')" solves this problem. This would be a more natural behaviour. -- http://www.archlinux.de
On 2/13/07, Andreas Radke <a.radke@arcor.de> wrote:
i've made a dvbcut-svn pkg that has
conflicts=('dvbcut') replaces=('dvbcut')
The problem with this is that -U doesn't handle replaces as it should. This behavior is in pacman 2 as well, and it is actually a fairly complex fix. If you add dvbcut-svn to a custom repo, then -S it, it will work fine. You can see this issue on my TODO list. The thing is, considering it's the same behavior as pacman 2, it's not really a "bug", and I don't think we should hold up releasing pacman 3 just to fix this.
participants (3)
Aaron Griffin
Andreas Radke
Pierre Schmitz