[pacman-dev] makepkg-git package
Hi all, The splitpkg work has now made it into pacman's master branch so it would be good to get some more testing on this. I have made a makepkg-git package that installs alongside the makepkg from pacman so people can safely take this for a spin. Read all about it and download from http://dev.archlinux.org/~allan/makepkg-git.html Just a reminder for those who want to test new features in pacman and makepkg, Dan has pacman-git build that can be tried out. Dan uses these builds all the time, so the are fairly stable... He pushed a package today so they will only be 1 patch different to my makepkg-git package. x86:64: [pacman-git-64] Server = http://dev.archlinux.org/~dan/pacman-git i686: [pacman-git] Server = http://dev.archlinux.org/~dan/pacman-git Allan
Hi, just tested it on a quickly-ported KDEmod PKGBUILD, it works fine. I have found nothing uncommon so far and the packages are valid and working, awesome! :) Here is the PKGBUILD: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # include global config # source ../_buildsystem/kdemod.conf # original name _origname=kdetoys pkgname=('kdemod-kdetoys-common' 'kdemod-kdetoys-doc' 'kdemod-kdetoys-amor' 'kdemod-kdetoys-kteatime' 'kdemod-kdetoys-ktux' 'kdemod-kdetoys-kweather') arch=('i686' 'x86_64') pkgver=4.1.96 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="KDE toys" url="http://www.kde.org" license=('GPL') options=('docs') makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'cmake' 'automoc4' 'kdemod-kdebase-workspace') source=(${_origname}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2) md5sums=('f99460c59656136d897845eb2fe46932') build() { cd $srcdir/${_origname}-${pkgver} # stable branch update if [ "$_branchupdate" = "yes" ] ; then msg "applying branch update ..." patch -Np0 -i $startdir/branch-update.patch || return 1 else warning "branch update disabled ..." warning "if you want to make use of it, run branch_updater.sh" warning "and enable the branch updates in _/buildsystem/kdemod.conf" fi msg "starting build ..." cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr make || return 1 } package_kdemod-kdetoys-common() { pkgdesc="KDE toys - Common files" depends=('kdemod-kdebase-workspace') provides=("kdetoys=${pkgver}") conflicts=('kdetoys') groups=('kdemod-complete' 'kdemod-kdetoys' 'kdemod-uninstall') install=kdetoys.install } package_kdemod-kdetoys-doc() { pkgdesc="KDE Toys - Documentation" depends=('kdemod-kdetoys-common') groups=('kdemod-complete' 'kdemod-kdetoys' 'kdemod-doc' 'kdemod-uninstall') splitfolders="doc" for i in $splitfolders ; do cd $srcdir/${_origname}-${pkgver}/$i make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1 done } package_kdemod-kdetoys-amor() { pkgdesc="Amusing Misuse Of Resources puts comic figures above your windows" depends=('kdemod-kdetoys-common') groups=('kdemod-complete' 'kdemod-kdetoys' 'kdemod-uninstall') install=kdetoys.install splitfolders="amor" for i in $splitfolders ; do cd $srcdir/${_origname}-${pkgver}/$i make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1 done } package_kdemod-kdetoys-kteatime() { pkgdesc="System tray applet that makes sure your tea doesn't get too strong" depends=('kdemod-kdetoys-common') groups=('kdemod-complete' 'kdemod-kdetoys' 'kdemod-uninstall') install=kdetoys.install splitfolders="kteatime" for i in $splitfolders ; do cd $srcdir/${_origname}-${pkgver}/$i make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1 done } package_kdemod-kdetoys-ktux() { pkgdesc="Tux-in-a-Spaceship screen saver" depends=('kdemod-kdetoys-common') groups=('kdemod-complete' 'kdemod-kdetoys' 'kdemod-uninstall') install=kdetoys.install splitfolders="ktux" for i in $splitfolders ; do cd $srcdir/${_origname}-${pkgver}/$i make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1 done } package_kdemod-kdetoys-kweather() { pkgdesc="Panel applet that will display the current weather outside" depends=('kdemod-kdetoys-common') groups=('kdemod-complete' 'kdemod-kdetoys' 'kdemod-uninstall') install=kdetoys.install splitfolders="kweather" for i in $splitfolders ; do cd $srcdir/${_origname}-${pkgver}/$i make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1 done }
participants (2)
Allan McRae
Jan Mette