[pacman-dev] Namcap 2.8.1 released
Hello, Namcap 2.8.1 has been released. You will find it at our mirrors : http://mirrors.kernel.org/archlinux/other/namcap/namcap-2.8.1.tar.gz The md5 checksum of the tarball is 2b688b8c8eabfcda91db283f8cf6ac86 The Git repository for namcap can be browsed at http://projects.archlinux.org/namcap.git/ This version is bugfix follow-up to 2.8. It brings a test suite covering nearly all rules, though it should not be considered as complete and any contributions (malformed PKGBUILDs or well-formed PKGBUILDs making bogus packages) are welcome. Notable bugfixes affect the rules emptydirs, extravars and kdeprograms. -- Rémy.
On 2011/2/13 Rémy Oudompheng <remy@archlinux.org> wrote:
Due to serious bugs in the extravars rule I have re-enabled in 2.8.1 (noticeable if you use multiline configure statements or set environment variables, or optdepends or changelog or several other PKGBUILD variables), I am releasing namcap 2.8.2 in [testing]. The tarball can be found at usual places, its md5 checksum is 67d5c3a32b1d658219d502ed4513249f -- Rémy.
participants (2)
Rémy Oudompheng
Rémy Oudompheng