[pacman-dev] Is there an architectural document for pacman
Today pacman didn't behave the way I expected so I asked a question on the arch linux newbie list (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1683611) and got the basic question answered. But the other question was a request for links to "understand how pacman works". I've done some searching and really didn't find what I was looking for, I'm a programmer so I'm looking for an "architectural document", is there such a thing? The README file in the sources doesn't go into much as detail as I was looking for, so is there anything more? Or maybe it just "Read the sources". -- Wink
On Fri, 13 Jan 2017 14:41:59 -0800 Wink Saville <wink@saville.com> wrote:
The man pages cover the vast majority of it, including your question on the forums.
Your question is basically about the difference between depends and makedepends. When you installed parity, pacman just downloaded the finished package as *.pkg.tar.xz for you and installed (runtime-) dependencies as you need them. If you set up abs [0] for you, you can build the package yourself, just update the abs tree, copy /var/abs/*/parity to ~/abs/parity and type makepkg -s. if you add -i to the makepkg command, it also tries to run pacman -U the_finished_package.pkg.tar.xz as root. In that order of doing things, makepkg (as told by the -s flag) will install cargo, because it needs the (make-) dependency to build the package. So uh, yeah, read up how ABS works and how you can create, maintain and fix archlinux packages for personal use/learning experience [1]. cheers! mar77i [0] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Build_System [1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Makepkg
participants (3)
Doug Newgard
Martin Kühne
Wink Saville