[pacman-dev] [PATCH] Add VerboseUpgradeInfo Option
Attached is a patch to add an option that displays the old version of the package as well as size in column format for the upgrade operation. Another patch was submitted back in November for this, but it either got lost and buried in the list, or Dan just hated it :). When enabled, this is what the upgrade information looks like: Targets: Pkg Name New Version Old Version Size perl 5.10.0-2 5.8.8-9 15.37 MB cairo-perl 1.044-1 1.041-1 0.10 MB courier-authlib 0.60.2-2 0.60.2-1 0.17 MB dhcpcd 3.2.1-1 3.2.0-1 0.04 MB imagemagick 2.00 MB glib-perl 1.162-1 1.160-1 0.36 MB perl-event 1.09-3 1.09-2 0.09 MB perl-anyevent 2.8-6 2.8-5 0.02 MB perl-libintl-perl 1.16-3 1.16-2 1.11 MB perl-event-execflow 0.63-3 0.63-2 0.04 MB gtk2-perl 1.162-1 1.160-1 2.28 MB perl-gtk2-ex-formfactory 0.65-4 0.65-3 0.20 MB
2008/3/2, Justin Lampley <jrlampley@gmail.com>:
This output looks cleaner to me than that of ShowSize, because it's indented. But I wonder - what will be if user enables both options? One of them should definetely take precedence. -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)
Roman Kyrylych wrote:
This option will take precedence over show size (which makes sense because you requested both options and this output includes the size). There was a discussion before of getting rid of ShowSize altogether and just having one option, the only problem is this output is only for upgrades and show size is used in some other places besides just during upgrades.
Idézés Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
I agree with Romashka here. Yesterday I set ShowSize in pacman.conf (which induced my pacman.conf patch;-), but its output is not very human friendly, so I also suggest tune ShowSize. Bye ---------------------------------------------------- SZTE Egyetemi Könyvtár - http://www.bibl.u-szeged.hu This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/
2008/3/4 Nagy Gabor <ngaba@bibl.u-szeged.hu>:
Wowzers! This is kind of cool on one hand, but pretty darn overkill for at least my typical use pattern. This would be awesome for something like a curses frontend though, I would say that. Anyone want to start developing? :) If I was to critique it, I would agree that the column order should go old version, new version, size. But to be honest, I'm not too big on this patch so I probably wouldn't take it, unless there are a lot of people that have been looking for something like this. The addition of 140 lines of code doesn't exactly make me smile with joy, as I already think display_targets() is a rather gross function. -Dan
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 07:38:30PM -0500, Dan McGee wrote:
That's exactly what I was thinking. The output looks cool, but adding 140 lines to that part I already find messy isn't cool. If it was up to me, I would maybe just do one column based output, because I find the oldver and size informations useful.
Xavier wrote:
Fair enough, my only goal is to get old version listed somewhere in the output if possible, since I would find that quite useful. So, I would be up for coding any ideas that would be acceptable to accomplish that. I am in agreement with what I think Xavier was saying, have just one output for upgrade which would be the columned output. This would eliminate the code clutter caused by adding in this option, but if I remember correctly, Dan you were against that before since you liked the current output.
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 11:44:17PM -0400, Justin Lampley wrote:
As Dan reminded me, there is also the problem with a big number of packages, for example with 100 targets or more. This can happen when there is a box you don't upgrade often. Or when installing a big group like gnome or kde, with all their deps.
Xavier wrote:
Yes, in those situations there would be a long display list. However, I also think it would make a list of 100 packages more readable, since each package would be on its own line. The current output can be a pain to read when you have a bunch of packages being displayed, since it is so compact. Of course, most of the users probably do not pay much attention to exactly what packages are being installed anyway, so this is most likely a moot point.
Justin Lampley wrote:
I just got an email off list asking if it would be better, and more logical, to switch the New Version and Old Version columns. Let me know what you think makes the most sense and I will switch those columns if I need to do so. For some reason, in my mind, I think To this From this, which is why I chose to have New Version listed first. Thanks, Justin
participants (5)
Dan McGee
Justin Lampley
Nagy Gabor
Roman Kyrylych