[pacman-dev] Missing spaces in Swedish translation string
Hi all, I run pacman v5.2.2 with Swedish localization. When removing a package with dependencies, the string …
Att ta bort XXXXförstör beroendet 'YYYY' som krävs avZZZZ
… is displayed, which loosely translates as:
Removing XXXXdestroys dependency 'YYYY' which is needed byZZZZ
There should be a space before "förstör" and after "av", like this:
Att ta bort XXXX förstör beroendet 'YYYY' som krävs av ZZZZ
which loosely corresponds to:
Removing XXXX destroys dependency 'YYYY' which is needed by ZZZZ
I have attached an example of the command output (log.txt). I have tried to fix this on Transifex, but I was unable to join the Pacman translation team for Swedish. My username there is lopezjuan. Best regards, Víctor
On 19/4/21 4:07 am, Víctor López Juan wrote:
<snip> I fixed the issue in Transifex. I normally don't add people to languages that have complete translations, as more translators does not necessarily improve the translation. Leaders for the given language can add people. Does this prevent people from reporting issues there? Allan
Hi Allan,
I fixed the issue in Transifex.
Makes sense.
Does this prevent people from reporting issues there?
I have never used Transifex before. I made an account, but I couldn't find a way to report issues, or to even look at the currently translated strings. So yes, it seems to prevent reporting issues with the translation, or at least makes it very non-straightforward. — Víctor Den 2021-04-19 kl. 09:49, skrev Allan McRae:
Thanks for fixing this, and sorry for the typo On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 9:49 AM Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
participants (3)
Allan McRae
Luna Jernberg
Víctor López Juan