[pacman-dev] Finishing off the package signing issue -- call for contributors
Hello, I'm new to this mailing list, but my name's Kerrick Staley. I'm fairly new to the Arch community: I've used Arch for 2.5 years now. I would like to spearhead an effort to finish the implementation of signed packages in Arch that Allan has gone to the effort to start. I've only been working on the issue for about 4 days now and don't have much to show yet, but I'm sending this message out to stop the bickering as well as to query for interested developers who would be willing to help me (no background knowledge required, just strong coding skills, patience, and dedication). Please reply to this message if you are interested. It seems there are a lot of users who would like this feature and can contribute, but are prevented by a lack of documentation and technical knowledge, so I will create plenty of documentation regarding the issue and what needs doing. I should warn that I'm a rather inexperienced programmer in the broad scale of things and am unfamiliar with pacman's source code, so I ask that developers on the pacman-dev mailing list have extra patience when I ask questions. I'm sure that even just the cessation of angry signing-related inquiries to this list will be reward enough for your help as I implement this feature. I would like this feature to be in active use in 3 months, 2 if possible. Since a working system will require cooperation and understanding from all developers, the human aspects of this project may prove more difficult than the actual coding, therefore ***I ask that all Developers and Trusted Users stay tuned to this list and read future information I will give regarding system configuration and key management.*** I might be busy this weekend, but I should have some things started within a couple of days. Thanks, Kerrick Staley
Here are the questions that interest me: - What's the current state? -> What works now? -> What dependencies does the project have? -> How can i test the current functionality? - What's the general idea -- the program flow -- of the way it's currently being implemented? Pseudo-code would be perfect for answering this, but really, anything with system-level details will do (the "package signing proposal" is not current and does not contain system-level details). - What's currently on the plate? I don't need specifics for everything -- some areas can be more general and delved into later, but i do need some specifics so that i can, more or less, jump right in. -> Allan mentions some ALPM interfaces on his page. * How well do they work, currently? * What's good about them? * What's bad about them? * Have new ones been written (committed or not) since that page was last edited? * What are some current ideas for more? -> What more needs to be done before developers can start using it to sign packages? -> What needs to be done before courageous users can start using it to verify packages, manually or automatically? According to Allan's TODO page, it looks like it's just about ready now, but the general consensus seems to be that this isn't the case. -> What are other people currently working on? I don't want to trod on toes or duplicate work. Is this sufficient information for anyone else to step up and start writing patches? Chime in if you need more info. ari
Ari, I don't know the answers to most of the questions you have asked; I'm trying to figure them out myself. Allan's git repository ( http://projects.archlinux.org/users/allan/pacman.git/ ; see http://projects.archlinux.org/) was supposed to have the latest signing code, but the repository seems to be misconfigured. Allan, can you please put your repository back up? The master branch of pacman has some signing code that I've been reading. It might be up to date; I'm not sure. See https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman_Development Basically, just run git clone git://projects.archlinux.org/pacman.git master and take a look at master/lib/libalpm/signing.c . This has the actual crypto implementation. It uses GPGME ( http://www.gnupg.org/related_software/gpgme/index.en.html)*. *Presumably there is other related code scattered around the repository. I think most of the functionality should be self-explanatory, but I haven't had time to thoroughly look into the code. I'm going to be documenting important features of the code and other things at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Package_signing ; please add anything interesting you find to that page. As far as I can tell, there is no work going on right now on this issue. It will have to be implemented by myself, you (presumably), and whoever else decides to pitch in; the main pacman devs don't seem to have enough interest. Pretty much all the code that's already done should be self-explanatory, so we shouldn't wait around for Allan, etc. to explain the workings of their code. Also, I think the KSK idea, which AFAIK Allan was going to go with, will make things too complicated (unless it's mostly implemented). Basically, I think each developer should have their own key, that each package will only need one signature, and that the repolists will also be signed by the last dev to edit them. Also, 4 or 5 devs will keep a CD or flash drive with revocation certs for everybody. This system is vulnerable to the compromise of a single developer key, and even more vulnerable if one of the aforementioned disks gets compromised, but it is much better than what we currently have, and the KSK system is basically just as vulnerable. Once we get this system off the ground, we can work out a more sophisticated protocol. I'm going to get some git going, and then I'll put up some documentation on the wiki page I mentioned. It'll probably be done in 2 days or so. -Kerrick Staley On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 5:06 PM, ari edelkind < edelkind+arch-pacman@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys, I'm interested in this too. I'll just give some of my thoughts which may be horribly inaccurate, so I'll apologize for them first. I think the key issue at hand is not about code. I mean, over these past months we have seen the basic infrastructure for package signing being incorporated into libalpm. So it's not strictly a lack of code or difficulty issue. Instead, the key issue is the how this whole package signing thing is going to be carried out, ie. something like: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Package_Signing_Proposal_for_Pacman And this is something that only the main Arch developers, pacman developers and trusted users can solve and have to agree on before development can begin, since it has a lot of repercussions. On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 7:07 AM, Kerrick Staley <mail@kerrickstaley.com>wrote:
Hi, I'm going to point out what the current state of the package signing code is and what is currently being worked on. As a warning I have just got home from a stay in hospital, so I might be ever so slightly terse in my reply. Don't take this as me being an arse... I just figured that it was better to reply now as opposed to giving no reply (as I will be heading back to hospital again soon). On 21/05/11 09:07, Kerrick Staley wrote:
As far as I can tell, there is no work going on right now on this issue.
What!!! There has there been no progress... in two weeks!!! That's right... it has been only two weeks since the last commit to do with package signing was pushed to the master git repo (http://projects.archlinux.org/pacman.git/commit/?id=70cf4546). In fact, it currently 10 days, so it was 9 days when the original emails to this thread were sent. Shock, horror development has stalled! If that was not enough, one way to know the current status of development would be to look through this email lists archives. Hmm.. "trustdb locking issues" would be the last one. Seems a pretty big issue not being able to verify a package that has a signature file without root privileges. So that is probably a blocker that the people working on this have not solved yet. Note there were very, very few replies with suggestions on how to deal with that. On 21/05/11 09:07, Kerrick Staley wrote:
Good to see you came up with the exact implementation we already have... Pacman reads a single signature for a package (either detached for -U or -Q operations, or in the repo db for -S operation) and the repo has a single detached signature. How those key are distributed across developers and what exactly is used in signing what is not a pacman concern and so has nothing to do with the implementation in pacman. Pacman just needs to take signatures and verify them. Note that how Arch will deal with signing in their repos is being finalised elsewhere, but to reiterate, that has nothing to do with the pacman implementation. So... onwards to what the current status is: - makepkg can build a package and sign it (using gpg) - repo-add can add a package signature to the database and sign the database - a key management tool call pacman-key is implemented. It still needs work and there are a bunch of patches on the mailing list for it. I hope to find time to finalise this in the near future... - pacman has basic signing support. It can: - download and verify the signature for the repo dbs - read package and verify their signatures from repo dbs on -S operations - read and verify detached signatures on -U operations (and -Q, but note above the issues with trustdb locking and root privileges) Things that need done: - figure out the locking issues (1777 permissions on the pacman gpg keyring directory is a workaround, but we may take the yum approach of copying that folder to a writeable location) ... In fact, just look at the list on my wiki page: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/User:Allan/Package_Signing . There is no point me replicating the list here. If you have specific queries about any point, ask specific questions. Most should be fairly clear if you actually take the code for a test spin. As far as what branches to use, all the gpg signing code that I had on a branch has been merged in to the pacman master branch (as stated on the above wiki page...). You might find WIP patches on a gpg branch in Dan's repo depending on what he is doing, or maybe my working branch. I was going to go into more detail on the status of what is done and what needs done, but the quickest way for anyone to find out is to grab the git repo, build it and start using it. Everything for makepkg and repo-add is documented in the man pages so hopefully that should be clear. So you should easily be able to create a signed package and add it to a local repo. If not, ask specific questions and we can improve the documentation. Then you can play around with pacman to see what appears to work and what does not. About the only thing that you need to know is there is a VerifySig option for pacman.conf that takes the value Always/Optional/Never and is given for each repo. If people want further info, ask specific questions. I'm not going to spend my time answering very basic questions about the current implementation that can be easily seen by anyone who spends a small amount of time doing some actual investigation by taking the code for a spin. If you don't have time to do this, then I doubt you have time to contribute anything... Cheers, Allan
On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 00:48, Allan McRae wrote: ...
I'd expect that either pacman or a helper program might need to be involved in some way for a secure implementation (see my last reply to Kerrick). But even if that's true, it can be addressed later.
If gpgme has no option to avoid locking when used read-only, this sounds like a bug in gpgme. That said, here are two potential workarounds. The first is better, but won't work if symlinks are rejected. The latter is slightly more cumbersome, but should work. 1. symlink method: - Create a temporary user keyring directory -- perhaps under $HOME, or in a temporary directory under /tmp. - ln -s $KEYRINGDIR/*.gpg $MYTMPDIR/ - Use. - rm -rf $MYTMPDIR 2. setgid method: - Create a new gid for pacman, named, say, 'pacman'. - chgrp pacman $KEYRINGDIR - chmod 1770 $KEYRINGDIR # or 0770 - chgrp pacman /usr/bin/pacman - chmod 2711 /usr/bin/pacman You're probably already aware, but the problem with using mode 1777 for the directory is, any user can place a lockfile there, and then no other users can access the trustdb. Additionally (and this is obviously true for method 2 also), no two users can run pacman at the same time. Thirdly, if pacman is killed before unlocking the keyring, and the calling user doesn't clean up the lock file manually, then other users will require root intervention before they can use it again. ... Thanks for the rest of the info as well. I hope that what you're in the hospital for isn't too serious. ari
With regard to key schemes, the security of your system is the security of any package you install into it; in particular, if an attacker has a developer key and controls any part of the connection between you and the central archlinux.org repository, they can modify the .install of the next package you happen to update, and do whatever they want to your system, including altering your GPG install, so there's no point to any sort of specialized key scheme. There will be a list of developer keys, and anyone who can log in to the central repository can change that list, so the responsiblity of key verification will fall on whoever manages the central repository. Revocation just means deletion from this list, and, as Ari correctly points out, a complexer revocation scheme is unnecessary [1]. The security of the central repository and of its contents are hairier issues, and since I don't know how this is implemented, I ask that someone inform me of how the central repository is managed (and of who has the ability to perform this management). It's probably already secure, though. With regard to verifying packages, it should be possible to verify signatures without root privileges as long as root is not updating pacman's keyring. This should be possible without any downsides or crude hacks. If it is necessary to attach an Arch-specific patch to Arch's GPGME package, then that can be done. Ari, you can do this if you want, and if not, I'll complete the task. Also, Ari, I would recommend not spending time theorizing about solutions to small issues such as this: it's better just to code out a solution (and of course test it) and then submit a patch. Discussion about how to implement an idea in code is rarely needed: just do it. For now, let's all just publish our changes to this list so that they can be integrated into the master branch of pacman's git. If people have a lot of code that is not polished enough for pacman's master branch, but that they'd like to share anyway, I'll set up a separate git repository that we can work out of, publishing finished code as patches when necessary. If you are interested cryptography and security, I would highly recommend reading Applied Security by Bruce Schneier (the protocol-related portions can be understood without reading the sections on mathematical and algorithmic underpinnings). Happy hacking and best wishes for Allan's health, Kerrick Staley [1] If a the compromise of a key is discovered and you are informed before updating your system, then a secure channel for key revocation that is independent of the repositories (best done with revocation certificates) would be useful, but this is irrelevant for practical and theoretical reasons. Practically, most people update daily, so there is a very small window in which the discovery of a compromise will be useful. Also, compromises should be rare enough that when they do happen, a news item can be posted on the Arch homepage informing users on how to manually revoke the keys [2]. Theoretically, there's no way to tell whether a compromise happened when you think it did or sometime before. [2] The Arch homepage is insecure (no SSL), so this is a further issue. However, this is all getting to be too scenario-specific; fine-grained analysis such as this should be done only after we have a basic implementation of package signing working.
On 22/05/11 07:33, Kerrick Staley wrote:
OK... I don't speak for Dan, but I will stop working on this as you are obviously going to code all this quicker than we will so there is little point us working on it. I look forward to reviewing your patches. Allan
On 22/05/11 07:33, Kerrick Staley wrote:
I'll point out that this can not be done due to Arch's patching policy. Arch does not patch software for features not provided upstream, so any patch will be required to go to the gpgme and be accepted before it is even considered for the Arch package. I would also suspect, that patches for pacman that rely on unreleased changes to gpgme would not be accepted, so we would then need to wait on a new gpgme release... Allan
On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 7:41 PM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
It's funny as I was thinking about that same issue for the last days. Another workaround would be to call directly gpg with the option --lock-never, so it will not try to lock the keyring before the operation. What gpgme does is exactly that, but under the hood. Yes, it is more cumbersome than just using gpgme. About the lacking of a proper locking, it is not very different of what is already done with pacman itself. There's a lock for writing operations (/var/lib/pacman/db.lck) but it is not used for read-only operations. We just need to be sure to use it only for checking the signatures. By the way, maybe I'll not reply for the next days, because I'll be without internet connection. But I'm interested in helping too. -- A: Because it obfuscates the reading. Q: Why is top posting so bad? ------------------------------------------- Denis A. Altoe Falqueto Linux user #524555 -------------------------------------------
On 2011/5/21 Kerrick Staley <mail@kerrickstaley.com> wrote:
Hello Kerrick, There is no such key-signing mechanism in pacman, and there no plan to have such a thing. Keys are signed using the standard GPG utilities and are completely up to the packagers and repository admins. Details about the implementation chosen by Archlinux can be discussed on arch-general@archlinux.org. You may also find discussions in archives of arch-dev-public@archlinux.org. Rémy.
Kerrick Staley wrote:
I don't know the answers to most of the questions you have asked; I'm trying to figure them out myself.
I didn't mean to lay all of my questions on you -- i was just making a list of things that i'd like to see answered. I was actually just trying to make your job easier; sorry if it didn't come off that way.
Excellent. Thanks for taking this on.
I agree that a KSK implementation is unnecessarily complex. The concept of a KSK was designed for a different purpose -- for authorizing arbitrary numbers of certs. Unless i'm misunderstanding some crucial part of the plan, Arch does not have arbitrary numbers of package builders to worry about. The revocation scheme is also unnecessarily complex. For that matter, revocation on PGP keyservers wasn't designed for this sort of application, and isn't secure enough for it. If we supply a keyring of valid signing keys, and can replace this keyring when necessary, then revocation certificates become irrelevant. In this scenario: - The top 3 key holders can still exist (i'll call them the Key Moguls). - The developer generates a key pair and sends his public key to the Key Moguls. - Key Moguls verify the key, and add it to the list of permissible keys. - The list of permissible keys are either retrieved separately by pacman or retrieved as a Special Package. - The list or Special Package (LoSP) is signed with a key from a Key Mogul (or two). - If it passes verification, the LoSP becomes (or already is) a keyring, and _replaces_ the previous keyring. - The Key Moguls' keys are in a separate keyring. This keyring can be similarly replaced if necessary. - If the LoSP has been updated, then users will see a notice, just like when pacman has been updated, suggesting that they update the LoSP before continuing. Or, it can be automatically updated, perhaps with a command-line option for no-auto-update. The potential security concern that i see with this scenario is if an attacker compromises both a package signing key (dev key) and a mirror. In this case, he can keep the new version of the LoSP from being pushed out, and may continue using the compromised key. Unfortunately, having the devs sign the repository doesn't help this situation, since if both a dev key and a mirror are compromised, then the dev key could be used to sign an altered repository, and once again, the new LoSP could be omitted. However, if an additional "dev key" can be used to automatically sign the repository _in addition_ to the developer himself, then both keys would have to be compromised simultaneously for an attack to become feasible. I'm not familiar enough with the Arch package distribution+mirror system to comment on whether this is a reasonable thing to implement. If AUR submissions are ever to be signed (this isn't handled by pacman anyway), _they_ might require a KSK. But AUR submissions are so iffy to begin with that users should be scrutinizing them before (compiling or) installing anyway. ari
On 21/05/11 15:53, ari edelkind wrote:
All this is off-topic for this list as pacman will not care how packages and repos are signed. It will just verify whether the package/repo can be validated using the keychain it is provided. Allan
On 21/05/11 16:14, Allan McRae wrote:
Just to clarify, I do see how the keychain is managed by a distribution as an important issue to be discussed. However, it is also the most political issue in this package signing business and discussing it on this list just ends up derailing discussion on actual pacman development. This is why it needs to be kept completely separate from discussions about implementing signature verification work in pacman. Allan
participants (6)
Allan McRae
ari edelkind
Denis A. Altoé Falqueto
Kerrick Staley
Pang Yan Han
Rémy Oudompheng