Last year at FOSDEM we where quite a few members from the Arch team present, and
I though it would be nice to have a dinner together! My suggestion is to do it
Friday around 18:00 then head for the beer event at delirium afterwards.
To make it managable I'll cap the attendees to 15 people. Priority for members
of the Arch team (developers, trusted users and support staff) and any free spots
after this can be taken by anyone interested :) Please send an email so I have
some ability to keep track.
If Friday does not fit for some people in the team, please write if saturday or
sunday fits better. If multiple people arrive super late we could move things
around, or have multiple dinners!
Restaurant suggestions are also welcome!
(I have CC'ed arch-dev-public since I don't actually know how many people watch
arch-events. Sorry for the noise!)
Morten Linderud