On 31 July 2010 12:23, Ionuț Bîru <ibiru@archlinux.org> wrote:
On 07/31/2010 01:08 PM, ALAUX, Guillaume wrote:
On 31 July 2010 11:51, Ionuț Bîru<ibiru@archlinux.org> wrote:
On 07/31/2010 12:22 PM, ALAUX, Guillaume wrote:
I have pretty much the same request about Tomcat... should I wait for Dan
get back in business?
send me everything
Hi Ionuț,
I just need to test one last thing on x64 when at home on Sunday and will send it right away.
are you updating to the new stable series?
-- Ionuț
The 5.5.30 yes.
Well actually the update is hardly just a version change. You can already get it here and use it<http://github.com/galaux/abs/blob/master/tomcat_current/PKGBUILD> .
I would also like to propose this "new" package
"tomcat-admin"< http://github.com/galaux/abs/tree/master/tomcat_current-admin>that
provides the administration webapp. These have been tested on i686 and x64.
upload it in aur and if it gets enough votes maybe somebody will move it into community.
-- Ionuț
upload it in aur and if it gets enough votes maybe somebody will move it into community. Hum... I should have thought about that ! There it is<http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=39306> .